Happy Friday Loves! The warm weather is starting to creep in and it’s getting me really excited for the summer. I know this sounds a bit crazy but I don’t really like to do much in the summer. The weather is so nice that just being outside is enough – plus it lets me work on my tan.
I usually travel in the spring and fall because that’s when I get antsy waiting for summer to come or depressed because I know the warm weather is long behind us.
However this summer my BFF wants to get together so now we’re thinking of things to do and places to go. We live about 7 hours away from each other so we need to find something to do in the middle so that neither one of us has to travel too far for a long weekend.
If you had three days to spend with your best friend what would you do?
Spend a day at the beach
We both totally love the beach. Fresh water, warm sand, a good book and your best friend – what could be better?! This is probably at the forefront of our choices, but then comes the question – what do we do at night? Where do we stay? I feel that spending one day at the beach is a good idea but spending three days may get boring.
Rent a cottage
Our hometown (she still lives there but I moved away) is smack dab in the middle of the five great lakes so renting a cottage is also an option. This is a tradition on all long weekends when you’re from a place surrounded by forests and lakes. However I kind of feel like it’s been done. I enjoyed it as a kid – the serenity, the quiet and the fresh air – but now as an adult the thought of sleeping in someone else’s bed kind of freaks me out.
Go camping
This is a good option for a long weekend, but probably not for us. Two girls alone in the woods with community showers – no thanks. This is something else I loved as a kid but now it seems like too much work. The last time I went camping was 15 years ago and we (my friends, BF and I) were so cold we burned all the firewood the first night and came home the next day. Not a huge success in my mind.
Spend a day walking around the city
This is my first choice for a long weekend with my best friend. I want to go to a great city like New York or Boston and just enjoy some time away. She, however, feels if you’ve been to one big city you’ve been to them all.
As you can see we aren’t even close to finding something to do. It’s a good thing our long weekend is in August so it gives us time to plan.
Photo from I’d Pin That