How To Manage Anger In The Workplace

The article is developed in partnership with BetterHelp.

We’ve all been annoyed at work for a variety of reasons: you work all night on a project that gets scrapped, a client criticizes your team without explanation, or a coworker is always late for meetings and leaves you with all the prep work.

These work-related annoyances can really get under your skin. This distracts you from an important task and pulls your attention away from other things. To avoid this, your mind goes into fight or flight mode and you become defensive, accusing others or chastising yourself for getting annoyed. This means you’re more likely to make hasty decisions and say things you’ll later regret.


You can become a better leader and achieve greater success in all areas of your life by developing your ability to effectively communicate your emotions. Getting pumped up can actually help you focus on the task at hand and motivate you to get it done. As long as you learn how to control your anger in a smart way, you can achieve professional success while avoiding the stigma of having a temper that is out of control.


Recognize Your Frustration And Express It


Take a look at what’s making you angry and figure out what you can do about it. Often, you can dissect a real problem at work and help resolve it. Do not underestimate the power of your body’s natural reaction to a perceived “risk.” It’s a good idea to acknowledge your anger if you want to keep it under control. Scrutinize your frustration to see if it’s justified in light of the situation.


Take Deep Breaths


Take a few deep breaths to help you relax if you start to feel angry. To help you relax and detach from your anger, practicing deep breathing exercises can help your brain receive relaxation signals. In addition, you might want to say some soothing words, count backwards from ten, or listen to your favorite music to help you feel better.


Speak With A Reliable Friend Or Family Member


Tell someone you can rely on about the event that caused you to become agitated. People who know you well may be able to provide valuable advice or insight that you hadn’t previously considered. If you want to keep your personal information private, you need to be careful about who you share it with and speak with someone you can trust. Seek out a sympathetic ear. Learn more about the benefits of talking to someone if you struggle with managing anger at


Get A Bit Of Privacy


By leaving the office or workplace, you remove yourself from the situation that has sparked your rage. Take a short walk to help you focus your energy in a more productive way. The best thing to do during this time is to reflect on the situation and brainstorm potential solutions. There is a chance that this will help you see things from a calmer perspective and come up with a new way of solving the problem.


Think About How Someone You Admire Would React To This Situation


If you want to see things from a different perspective, consider how your role model or boss would respond to this situation. Consider how they would react if they were in your shoes. Imagining a well-respected person dealing with anger may make you less likely to act in a bad way, like yelling.


Talk To The Parties Involved About Your Feelings Of Resentment


Once you’ve calmed down, set up a meeting with the parties involved in the situation that made you angry. Consider bringing in a third party to act as a mediator during the meeting, depending on your relationship with the other party. Avoid blaming the other person, as this can lead to a fight or a defensive response from them. Instead, try to find out what is needed to move forward and come to an agreement while keeping your eye on the prize.


Happiness Is The First Priority


Even if you can’t change the situation at work, you can decide how you’ll react to it. Make an effort to be more positive at work in order to improve your experience and increase your output.

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