We’re living through one of the most historically weird and dark times in American history. Yes, we’ll be written about in the history books. Our children and grandchildren will ask us, ‘How did you make it? What was it like?’ Yet, no matter what answer you give, it will be hard to express the day to day psychological suffering of this time.
The real conversations will be about how we stayed sane during this time. This is why if you have friends and family you can talk to, you’re in pretty good shape. But you can also try some other things.
Explore your passions
We’re often told that it’s a virtue to keep your passions at bay, to be practical and forget about the wild fantasies of youth. This becomes especially pronounced once you have kids. Suddenly passion goes out the door.
The truth is that you have a right to feel happy, satisfied, and satiated. We only live once. If you have a passion for traveling (well, probably not the best example now with the pandemic and everything), update your passport and set sail.
If your partner is away on work for long periods of time, there’s nothing wrong with a little self-stimulation. Nowadays, there’s a vibrator or toy out there for every taste and temptation. Fortunately, the stigma behind women experiencing pleasure is not as strong as it used to be, so you can shop online for these products without looking over your shoulder (though if you’ve got kids in the house, you still might want to make sure they’re not in the room).
If you need a good massage (again, the pandemic might complicate this), go for it. Life is too short to deprive yourself of the desires and passions you crave.
Get in touch with your true self
This sounds like one of the most cliched things ever mentioned, granted. But what we said above – about life being short – is true. You don’t have much time to get to know this conglomeration of synapses, neurotransmitters, and brain cells known as you.
Especially with the COVID-19, we all have plenty of time indoors either alone or with our significant others. If you need some private time away from your family, you’re well within your rights to ask for it. This is going to be a dark, weird winter, but that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your own psychological stability.
If, on the other hand, you don’t have family or significant others in the house, you might be alone with your pet, or just completely alone. No worries! There’s nothing wrong with living alone. In fact, some people swear they’re happier living on their own.
However, mental health problems during this time are well-documented, so if you’re struggling with loneliness or depression, seek virtual counseling. Or just do a Zoom or Skype chat with a friend. I assure you, you’re not the only one who is lonely right now. Reach out to someone and share how you’re feeling.
Make sure you get exercise
It’s winter, which may make it too cold to jog. And we’re in the middle of a pandemic, which may mean your gym or yoga studio is closed. But there’s always a way to get exercise.
Play a yoga routine on YouTube and go through the postures along with it. Do some pushups and sit-ups. Order a stationary exercise bike.If it’s not too cold, go for long walks or jogs.
The point is, as long as your health allows, you can get some exercise and your brain and body need it more than ever right now. Exercise releases some of the body’s most powerful feel-good neurotransmitters.
If you’re finding yourself increasingly agitated, stressed out, or depressed, ask yourself: have I worked up a good sweat recently? If the answer is no, you know what you have to do. Exercise is a good habit to get into right now and one that can add years to your life.