Good morning Loves. Last week I decided I wanted to join a gym. On the last visit with my family doctor he told me that I should lose weight. I know I’m not skinny and I’ve always wanted to be thin, but having your doctor tell you to lose weight for medical reasons puts healthy living on an entire new level.
If your doctor says it you have to do it
My immediate thought was to console myself in some raw cookie dough, but then I thought….HHHMMM better not. I immediately called a gym near my home and booked a consultation with a free one week pass to try out the facilities. I decided to go to a well known gym chain because the monthly fee is around $45 and it includes unlimited classes as well as free use of all facilities; the only downside is members have to make a one year commitment and I’m not so good with the long term dedication . Memberships to private gyms are offered on a monthly basis but the fee is much higher being anywhere between $80 to $120. YIKES! I know it’s for the greater good but that’s a lot of money I just can’t afford right now.
My body is changing, but not for the better
I’m not sure what’s going on with my body at 34 years old but it feels like every single day I’m gaining weight. My eating habits admittedly aren’t very healthy but they haven’t changed drastically over the last couple of years. I am not as active as I used to be but I do still walk to and from work every day. My sister says that worrying about being fat is stressful and stress causes people to gain weight. That may be true but can it make you gain 30 pounds? That’s how much weight I need to lose. Actually as of last night 34 pounds. My weight can fluctuate anywhere between 2 and 5 pounds a day.
I definitely need help, but can’t afford it
I decided I can’t do it alone. I need help to lose weight because I don’t have the discipline to motivate myself to workout (even though doctors orders should be motivation enough) so I decided to join a gym. However when I told BF he convinced me that we shouldn’t be spending an extra $45 per month with our new more expensive rent and variable hydro bill every month. I have to say deep down I agree.
So I lay in bed Sunday night thinking about what I can do to improve my health, lose weight and for the first time in my life start feeling good about myself. I printed off a meal plan, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to stick to it. Technically I don’t need to join a gym because as BF reminded me we have a big apartment with lots of space to move around. I, like everyone else in the world who has ever tried to lose weight, have at least a dozen workout DVDs at home. I can work out at home with my Biggest Loser DVDs and my Yoga DVDs, but is that enough to lose weight?
So here’s my plea. I want to lose weight and I need your help.
What’s your best workout/eating healthy/motivation tip?
Photo from Flickr
1) Don’t keep junk in the house….at all!
2) Get a “buddy” to help you be accountable.
3) Even get BF to walk briskly around your new neighborhood. 30 minutes at a time is great!
4) Forgive yourself when you slip up a little. Get right back at it.
5) Don’t be snookered by all the holiday treats. Look at them as if they have poison sprinkled on them!
6) If you set a goal, only do about 5 lbs at a time. Don’t weigh often even if it is tempting!
Thanks for the tips Michelle. I once read that Kate Hudson works out every day even if it’s only for 20 mins because a little exercise is better than none at all. How do you beat your cravings if you don’t keep a little something something sweet in the house?
I would say a similar-goal online community and maybe a Fitbit? I just got a Fitbit and it’s definitely made me move around more.
A Fitbit sounds like a great idea. Thanks Jesse Anne. How does it work? Do I have to wear it all the time or do I have to enter my food/activities daily?
Take up running. It’s shockingly effective and free . Look for a “learn to run 10k” program online, you can get a weeks plan for how much to run/walk and gradually work your way up. The first week usually involves sessions where you run 30 seconds, walk 4.5 minutes and over a few months you slowly increase it so that you are mostly running. One idea is here:
Thanks for the link Michelle. I’ve actually never ran outside before – only on the treadmill. I’ve always wanted to get outside but just never had the courage tor motivation to do it. On the treadmill I feel like I have to keep going but outside I can stop anytime – is that weird?
Diet is the most important part of weight loss. Download my fitness pal and start tracking your calories on your phone. This is essential.
Then lift weights. Find the heaviest weights you can lift and do 12×3 of at least 6 excercises. Body has great videos.
Finally try to do 1 hour of cardio 1-2 times a week. Running is hard for everyone, but it is the best full body workout. If you can’t run, speed walk on an incline or run for a minute then walk for 5 mins.
Do this and the weight will melt off.
I should have mention to lift weights 3-4 times a week and do your cardio on the off days. So you are active 6 days a week. this is how people stay fit.