Good morning Loves. I have to be honest I don’t really know how my weight loss is going by the numbers because my scale is broken and I have yet to replace it. However I can tell you that my skin is clear (some may even say glowing but maybe that’s partially due to my anti-aging cream), I feel better in my clothes and my body appears to be taking a nice hourglass shape. Of course there is still A LOT of work left to be done but that’s O.K. because this is just the beginning.
Why my weight loss is different this time
I’m 34 years old and that means I’ve been trying to lose weight for at least two decades. The truth is I’ve already done it a couple of times. When I first became a vegetarian in 2009 I lost almost 20 pounds in anticipation of a family trip to Spain, but after the vacation I really had no reason to keep up my new healthy habits – other than actually being healthy – so I fell back into my old bad habits of eating too much sugar a way too many carbs.
This time I am going to stick to my weight loss because I want to lose weight. Truth be told I like how it makes me feel. No I don’t like the fact that I can’t eat chocolate whenever I want to and I would die for a piece of banana bread right now, but I’m happier when I don’t eat junk food.
Eat smaller portions
My pet peeve is when someone says “This year I’m starting a new diet. As of Monday it’s only salad for me.” That’s just ridiculous, unless you legit only want to eat salad for the rest of your life and I don’t know many people who do. I believe weight loss can be achieved by eating what you want…in smaller portions. If you cut all your fave foods out in one shot why the hell would you stick to your diet? It will suck! You won’t like it, you won’t be happy and you’ll probably be starving.
Substitute the worst foods with healthier ones
Over the last few weeks, and by few I mean five, my weight loss probably hasn’t progressed as quickly as it could and that’s because I haven’t been eating smaller portions and I haven’t been making smarter food choices. I have been going to the gym, but the second half of my healthy living a.k.a. my food intake just wasn’t good. I mean it was good tasting, but not good for the body.
As I said I don’t like to live without, especially without things I love. If I stop eating all the delicious foods I love it may last a week and then that will be the end of that. Instead of making drastic changes I’m trying to eat less “bad food” and smaller portions all around.
I know that for every one person who thinks something is bad for them another person says it’s good, but for general items like French Fries I think everyone agrees they aren’t healthy. So I still eat Mexican food, just once a week not every day. And I still eat sandwiches I just substitute the side of French Fries for a salad. That’s it. One step at a time. Once I’m set in eating smaller portions and making healthier choices I can move on to the next step – cutting bad food out altogether. Stay tuned!
Photo from I’dPinThat