Are you familiar with that feeling of being weighed down with debt, never having enough money to do those things you really want to do? Frustrating, isn’t it? You want to go out with your friends, take that family vacation or just take up a new exercise class or join the gym and you just can’t swing it. Not this month anyway.
And payday always seems a little too far away! Ugh!
If you can relate to this feeling, then I’d like to share with you a book that can help you change your financial life. Erin Lowry has written a great, thought-provoking booked called Broke Millennial, Stop Scraping By And Get Your Financial Life Together and this book is truly a winner. With the help of this book, you can learn what’s been holding you back financially, how to break free of those bad habits, and reach a point that you can feel a little more financial freedom.
Let’s take a look at what Ms. Lowry has to offer . . .
Your financial situation is just what you have right now; it’s all the choices you’ve made with your money throughout your life. It’s also, in part, what you’ve learned about money from your parents and grandparents. Money troubles don’t happen overnight, they happen over years of bad or uninformed choices based on what you knew at the time. And decisions that you’re making without even knowing you’re making them.
Through Broke Millennial, you can start to change those decisions by examining what you know. By using the questions throughout the book, you can come to have a clearer understanding about your money knowledge and why you make the choices that you do.
Get It Right
Through Broke Millennial, you can also learn about common money mistakes (like not having a budget and getting into too much debt) and how to resolve these mistakes so that you can start to get your financial decisions on the right path. When people tell you to “get yourself out of debt”, they make it sound so easy. But it’s not. The real question is . . . HOW do you do that? Broke Millennial will walk you through HOW to create a budget, HOW to get out of debt, and HOW to raise your credit score as well as WHY all of these things matter.
Make a Commitment to the Future
Something else you’ll learn through Broke Millennial is the importance of investing and starting a retirement fund. Yes, the time is now! You are never too young to start planning for the future. But it can be a bit intimidating and overwhelming if you don’t know what you’re doing. Ms. Lowry is a pro at holding your hand through the process of learning so that you can understand how to do, who to hire, how they get paid, and where to focus your energy.
If you are feeling some pressure from debt, or just want to educate yourself more about your finances and how to plan for the future, Broke Millennial is a must read! Get it now and get reading so you start seeing a positive change in your finances.