You know those credit cards in your wallet that are earning you mileage points every time you eat out to use on trips and gift cards to some of your favorite stores? Some of them even give you cash back for your purchases. What if there was a card that would give you cash back for your college saving plan? Wouldn’t that be great? Guess what . . . there is!
Upromise is a great program that allows you to earn cash back for your dining purchases and that money goes directly to your college savings plan. The Upromise MasterCard offers 2.5% cash back on all your dining charges at participating restaurants. Here’s what you need to know.
First, Upromise is absolutely free to join!
That’s right, no membership fee, no registration fee, no annual fee. Absolutely free. Just sign up, create a savings account and start receiving cash back for dining out at over 10,000 restaurants nationwide, with a growing list every day. Just search for restaurants in your local area through their website. The cash back bonuses go directly to your college savings plan, no need to transfer.
Upromise also offers the opportunity to invest in other college savings plans like eligible 5232 plans. And it offers college planning tools and information on ways to save money on college expenses. And if you’ve already graduated but have big student loans to pay down, Upromise can help with that too! Just link your student loans and you’re on your way.
Upromise is simple to use.
There is a Upromise MasterCard that you can sign up for, but you can also register your current credit and debit cards to receive cash back.
Whether you eat in, takeout, or just purchase a gift certificate from a participating restaurant, you’ll receive 2.5% cash back to your college savings plan when you pay your bill with a card registered to your Upromise account.
You will easily save for college or pay down your student loans just by doing something you do on a regular basis anyway. No special trips, no fees, no paperwork to hassle with. Just register your cards or open a Upromise MasterCard and you’re all set.
You can even earn interest on your college plan and make additional contributions if you’d like. And if you later decide that you don’t need the college account, you can simply request a check of your Upromise account balance.
Upromise also offers additional college support with planning resources and a college planning calculator as well as help searching for available scholarships.
There is honestly no downside to the Upromise dining program.
College is getting more and more expensive. And sometimes it’s hard to save if you’re on a tight budget. Why not make saving easy and automatic by getting credit for something you do anyway.
Join Upromise today! Register your cards, search for restaurants near you, go out to dinner with a friend, and start earning cash back for your college savings account or pay down your student loans.