
Generation Z’s Behavior in the Workplace is Both Toxic and Delusional, Report Says

While Gen Z may have distinct characteristics unlike any previous generation, businesses are finding it challenging to adapt to these unique traits as this generation enters the workforce.

Gen Z’s Impact on Small Business Operations

The latest Freedom Economy Index report from PublicSquare and RedBalloon reveals a considerable number of employers think this younger generation negatively impacts their operations. 

The Least Dependable Workers 

According to the survey, 68% of small business owners consider Gen Z workers the least dependable compared to other age groups. Additionally, 71% believe these younger employees are more prone to experiencing mental health challenges at work.

Delusional or Misunderstood?

An employer from the survey described Gen Z as completely delusional, with a stark absence of common sense and a complete lack of critical thinking and basic analytical abilities. 

Gen Z’s Fit in Workplace Culture

The survey revealed strong criticism towards Gen Z workers, with less than 4% of respondents feeling Gen Z fits well with their workplace culture. Moreover, 62% believe Gen Z is most likely to foster division and negativity at work. 

Another employer highlighted Gen Z’s expectation of receiving promotions merely for their attendance.

Legal Risks and Gen Z

The controversial behavior of Gen Z in the workplace is far from trivial, as highlighted by the fact that 57% of respondents warned that Gen Z poses the greatest risk of leading to workplace lawsuits.

Small Business Bias?

Dan Space, an HR consultant who manages, pointed out that the study’s focus on small business owners might bias its findings. He explained that small businesses often lack competitive pay and a strong company culture, both of which are highly valued by Gen Z in any job or career path. 

Lessons from Millennials

Space argues that Gen Z’s skepticism stems from observing the millennials’ struggles, such as being encouraged to pursue higher education only to graduate with substantial debt and inadequate job prospects.

An Informed and Assertive Generation

He believes Gen Z is the most informed and assertive generation, unwilling to tolerate misleading practices and keen on transparency regarding salaries, career advancement, and compensation models

Gen Z’s Openness on Mental Health

Dan Space clarified that while Gen Zers are not necessarily more prone to mental health issues, they are more open about discussing them and establishing personal boundaries.

Technical Skills and Compliance

In medium to large companies, he observed that Gen Z excels in areas like technical skills and understanding complex topics such as geography, politics, and interconnected systems. However, he acknowledged a potential challenge for employers looking for strictly compliant employees. 

Resistance to Intimidation

Space emphasized that intimidation tactics that might have worked on millennials are ineffective with Gen Z, who also lack the apathy sometimes associated with Gen X. 

He advises companies to focus less on immediate profits and more on earning Gen Z’s respect for sustained success.

Gen Z’s Work Habits

Bryan Driscoll, an HR consultant, suggests the perception of Gen Z as entitled and disruptive stems from a misunderstanding of their entry into the workforce during a period marked by rapid technological change and evolving social norms, compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic’s push towards remote working. 

Mislabeling Gen Z in the Workplace

Driscoll argues that labeling Gen Z as toxic ignores the significant adjustments workplaces have undergone. He believes accusations of entitlement and unreliability against Gen Z miss the mark, pointing instead to employers’ failure to address their workforce’s needs. 

Unprecedented Challenges

Driscoll emphasizes that Gen Z is navigating unprecedented challenges, including economic uncertainty and a pandemic that has redefined work-life balance and mental health expectations. 

Well-Being and Job Satisfaction

A 2024 State of Healthy Eating and Wellbeing Report from Lifesum has revealed that a significant majority of Gen Z and Millennials, 71%, are ready to leave their current jobs for ones that more actively support their well-being. 

A Call for Change

This revelation comes from a survey of 10,000 individuals from these generations, indicating a profound shift in how younger workers perceive job satisfaction and loyalty. 

Prioritizing Well-Being at Work

The findings suggest that 69% of respondents believe they would be more productive if their employers prioritized their well-being, with 31% open to accepting lower salaries for a work environment that promotes happiness and health.

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