healthy living

Make 2014 awesome – make it about you

Good morning Loves and Happy December 30th.  This time tomorrow we will all be planning how we will ring in the New Year and in just two days 2014 will start.  People think that a New Year means a new beginning and I don’t know why, but so do I.  When in fact a New Year just starts a set of new dates, our life continues to go on status quo.  But I guess people need something to look forward to and something to work towards.

So what are your goals for 2014?

This year I am only setting one goal – to be less dependent on food.  I am no longer going to look forward to my meals, I am going to try and change my mentality towards food to be more of a necessity than an indulgence.  Do you think that’s even possible?

Right now I rely on food for almost everything in my life from a reason to wake up in the morning to a reason to hang out with friends after work – and I want that to stop.  I am going to eat foods that taste good and give me energy, not foods that fill an emotional void.

How my goal will have a positive snowball effect

– I will try new experiences.  If I don’t have food to pass my time I will be forced to find other ways to spend my time.  I really want to learn how to create and paint ceramics, so I can make a nice vase for my living room; but I will probably just end up reading more books.  I really love to read and I already have my standard 6 books set out for next year.  Hopefully I will also work out more in 2014 and spend more time outside in the warm months.

– I will save a lot of money.  If I stop taking so much pleasure in food I will most likely spend less money on food.  After work will be spent working out instead of eating out.  I am going to try to eat foods that are good for me and full of minerals instead of foods that make me feel good and are full of sugar and carbs.  I am a vegetarian so protein from meat is not an option for me.  I am going to stock up on dairy, veggies and nuts to eat well balanced meals in 2014. It will most likely be boring at first, but hopefully my body and mind will adjust to my new life choice.

– I will love myself more.  One major advantage of being less dependent on food is that I will most likely lose weight when I cut out the sugar and carbs from my daily diet.  I am not going to count calories or worry about everything I eat, but I am going to make the conscious decision to try and eat foods with energy, protein and vitamins.  I am hoping to lose weight over the next few months as I change my mentality towards food which will in turn change my body and increase my confidence.  I don’t mind how I look now, but losing a few pounds the healthy way won’t hurt.

Have you set your New Year’s goals yet?

Photo by tahnyakristina


  • I am also trying to redefine my relationship with food. Last year, I lost 40 pounds and put 10 back on, so this year, I intend to lose those 10 and finally recover from a shoulder surgery from 2012. Bring on the strength training and yoga!

  • Wow that’s great Meghan, Congrats! Keep me posted on your progress. I’m always looking for great new workouts. Right now my schedule is yoga, cardio and weight training but I might have to add in a 4th day per week in 2014.

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