healthy living

Workin’ On My Fitness Weekly: July 22, 2011

a healthy balance yello

I am ALL over this routine thing this week.  In addition to getting into a daily routine, I’ve actually put together a weekly workout routine.  This is kind of a big deal (much like Ron Burgundy) because I never follow a routine with my workouts.  I usually just do what I feel like doing and switch between cardio and weights.

So, today I present to you, my new workout schedule:

  • Monday: run/back/pushups
  • Tuesday: run
  • Wednesday: rest or run
  • Thursday: full-boy weights class
  • Friday: kickboxing/STRIKE class
  • Saturday: abs/arms and run (if rested on Wed) or a class like Yoga
  • Sunday: rest and church 🙂

Some notes:

  • Seems like a lot of running, but, on Monday, I just plan to run to the gym to do lifting.  Running to the gym only takes about 15 minutes round-trip, so it’s not really a full run.
  • My back and my abs are my weakest body parts.  So they’re always my top weight lifting priorities.

Do you have a workout schedule or do you just go with how you feel?


  • That looks like a pretty sound plan. Right now, I havent been doing much, and wont get much done until after next week, but I do need to get out and do some exercise because i’m starting to get testy.
    At any rate, usually I go into my workout with a plan. I’ve got 4 weight workouts that I rotate through – Chest/back, Bicep/Tricep, shoulders/back and legs, and I do a minimal amount of abs each day. Usually I try to do one of those each weekday, and try to take wednesday off. I always do these before work. After work, but usually before dinner, I had been trying to run (or bike) before my triathlon, but now that it is over, I am probably just going to run 3-4 times per week. I dont really like it all that much, but it’s easy enough to do, and I can do it when I’m traveling.

  • I am doing a 6am bootcamp every morning and yoga or a cardio class in the evening. I am trying to do two-a-days for a few weeks then I will go back to once a day. I get these little burst of energy now that I am a raw diet. It’s great. I am like you though, I need to write down my schedule to hold myself accountable.

  • I have a schedule similar to what you’re doing as I’ve taken up triathaloning. By taken up, it’s only second season so I’m hardly a pro! None the less, I am getting out there several times a week because each sport requires drills + distance. The longer exercises are my happy times now!

  • It’s great that you are thinking about your back, most people neglect their back a lot ( like me ). I need to do more back exercises.
    I usually go by how my body feels, but I always do 3 workouts a week. This week I am trying for 4. But I should be doing 5.

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