contests and giveaways

An extra $500 would be nice, wouldn’t it?


Well stop dreaming about it because I’ve got news – We’re giving away $500.  Yes you read that right, keep reading and enter below to win $500 cold hard cash.  Now wouldn’t that be nice?  Oh yes it would.  Of course I’m not eligible to win but I can’t help but think of all the things I would love to do with an extra $500, especially this time of year.

5 things I would do with an extra $500

Go on vacation.  I like to take a long weekend trip right around this time of the year, before the snow falls and before the weather gets too cold.  However since BF and I moved October 1st I’m still trying to get my head above water from all our moving expenses; therefore I can’t afford to go on vacation before winter hits.  An extra $500 would be the perfect amount of cash in my pocket for a weekend trip to Boston or NYC.

Pay off debt.  BF and I got into some serious debt with our new apartment.  We bought all new furniture, everything from a king size bed and new sofa to desks and a dining room table.  We had the same old furniture since we were students and a move was the perfect excuse to upgrade our taste.  Now it feels like we live in a grown up apartment with our own dishwasher and washer and dryer.  However we also have the debt to go with it.  Putting down a lump sum of $500 on our outstanding debt would be a huge help.

Buy decorations for our apartment.  We have all the furniture we need for our new apartment, but we have yet to decorate it.  Since we spent so much money on the move and new furniture we decided to wait until spring to start buying home decor.  That gives us some time to pay off our debt before we start spending more chunks of cash.  However an extra $500 would help us buy paintings, vases and pillows a lot sooner than spring.

Share it with BF.  And by share I mean spend it on Christmas decorations and presents.  Even though it’s just BF and I during the holidays I would love to have a table full of nuts and chocolate over the Christmas holidays.  An extra $500 would make for a very merry Christmas and a very happy New Year.  It’s probably not the most responsible way to spend an extra $500, but it would be fun and after all that’s what the holidays are all about – aren’t they?

Put it in my savings account.  We took a big chunk out of our savings to pay for the movers as well as necessities for the new apartment such as new drapes and supplies.  A $500 cash lump sum would definitely help replenish my savings account.  I knew we would have expenses in the new apartment but necessities such as bath mats, garbage cans, laundry supplies and cleaning products quickly add up when you move from 570 to 1100 square feet.

Photo from Flickr

Enter the Giveaway!

Today we’re happy to bring you a $500 Visa Gift Card Giveaway just in time for the holidays. If you need to get caught up on your Christmas shopping here’s the perfect opportunity to get some extra spending cash. Pair this with Cyber Monday Deals and the best online promo codes from Chippmunk and you can make your money go pretty far!

This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only and ends on 12/15 at 12:00 am. See terms and conditions in the rafflecopter widget for more info.

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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