I’m considering subscribing to Kiplinger’s Magazine. Does anyone else subscribe? If so, how do you like it?
I’ve read Kiplinger’s a couple time at random places and I really liked it. I love their website, but I have a magazine addiction and just like to have those glossy pages in my hot little hands.
Besides, doesn’t having a subscription to a financial magazine officially make you PF nerd? 😀
Finance magazines are awesome! I used to like Money Mag and SmartMoney over Kiplingers, but they’re starting to grow on me. Here’s a quickrun down of my thoughts if you’re interested:
Personal Finance Mags = The New Black.
I think subscribing to any of them is great 🙂
I like Money magazine myself, but I might just not be smart enough for Kiplinger’s. 🙂
Hmmm…I think I need to get to a bookstore and check out all three before I make a decision! But, I love magazines so much, I might just subscribe to a couple… 🙂 Thanks for the insight!