healthy living

My Get Skinny Plan

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Last week I confessed that have to lose weight – I do, I really do according to my physician.  After a week of contemplating the news from my doctor and another week of wallowing about my non-healthy habits I finally decided that it’s time to start losing weight.

I’m not that girl

I joined a gym, even though BF thinks it’s a waste of money. He thinks I should be able to workout at home with the dozen of fitness DVDs I have.  In an ideal world this would be true – but I live in reality.  I know myself and I can almost guarantee I won’t be able to get out of bed and workout.

I don’t have the type of self discipline or motivation to be one of THOSE girls.  You know the type…those girls who run their Saturday morning errands in gym tights and still look fabulous, the girls who can eat a salad for lunch and be full (I still think they’re lying) and the type of girl who wakes up early so she can get a workout in before going to the office.  No, I will never be THAT type of girl.

But I will become her

I’m the girl who wears her hair in a pony tail because I prefer to sleep in 15 minutes longer in the morning.  I’m the type of girl who prefers to come home and take a nap to regain energy (even though working out is supposed to have the same effect) and I’m the type of girl who eats instant oatmeal for breakfast at her desk because I think cooking is a waste of time.  Yep, that’s me – but all that has to change.

Personal confession:  I’m 5 feet tall and I currently weigh 162 lbs (as you can see above) and I want to weigh 130 lbs by June 1.  That’s 30 lbs in 6 months, 5 lbs a month and approximately 1 lb a week.

I have to become THAT girl.  It’s not going to be easy because I’m 34 years old and pretty set in my ways, but if I want to follow my doctor’s orders I have to lose weight – and that means changing my habits.  Actually it means changing my entire life.  Instead of coming home from my 9 to 5 job, taking a nap, walking up and working on my freelance gigs.  I’m going to have to skip the nap and maybe cut down on the freelance work so I can fit gym time into my daily routine – yes I said it…daily.

Here’s my plan to become skinny

I’m going to go H.A.M. on my new workout routine because if I see dramatic results I think it will keep me motivated.  It will remind me that all the hunger pains and tears (yes there will be tears) will be worth it.

This is how I’m going to get in shape:

Smaller portions.  I can roll with the big boys when it comes to my meals.  I mean I can eat an entire medium pizza by myself if I wanted to…but I don’t, not anymore.   I’m only going to eat off the small plates from now on and I’m only going to have one serving.

Less sugar.  As a vegetarian I eat a lot of carbs and a lot of sugar to stay full, bad habit I know.  This year I extremely indulged in Halloween candy, but all that’s over.  Now the only sugar I’m going to consume is the natural sugar in the food I eat, no extras in the form of cookies, cupcakes and candy or iced coffee.

Be more active.  One of the main reasons I joined a gym is because if I’m paying for it I will use it.  If I don’t workout at home there is no loss, but if I don’t get up and take advantage of my gym membership I’ll be losing money…and I hate to lose money.


  • You got this girl! I have lost 30 pounds this year and it has been a struggle, but I am looking to loose the next 30 by summer. I would take a progress photo. I wish I would have done this when I first started. I took one in August and it is nice to compare monthly, etcetera. Sometimes the scale doesn’t seem to be moving, but you can see yourself toning. The other thing that has been huge for me is a heart rate monitor. It helps me know how many calories I am burning. You will do great!

    • Aaahhh thanks Stephanie!!! CONGRATS on you’re progress. That’s awesome! How often should I be checking in with measurements and the scale? Monthly? I don’t want to do it daily because I’ll drive myself crazy.

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