
12 Things Only Women Who Had Numerous Relationships Will Understand

Shaming women who went through a series of partners, boyfriends, fiancés, and husbands is a favorite pastime for many, and due to the stigma, there’s a lot of room for speculation and misconceptions. If you think that’s false, look at how the public treats Taylor Swift or Jennifer Lopez compared to Leonardo DiCaprio, Warren Beatty, or George Clooney. But talking about celebrities will get us nowhere, so here is what only women who had plenty of partners learned about life and romance.

Guys happen to them 

Gals who had a series of boyfriends did not plan on breaking some records. They merely put themselves out there and were open to kissing frogs until they learned that many princes were waiting for them. Some will find the ideal partner, while others will continue dating until their bodies and minds allow them.  

Enjoying solitude

Women who like to “date around” typically enjoy being alone. It is their time to relax and unwind. They don’t stay single for long because there is one thing they love more than the peace that comes with singlehood—the early stages of dating. 

In love with love 

The butterflies, choosing the right outfit, imagining the first kiss, and everything that goes into the first date is a major thrill. That’s the only thing that women who like to date love more than being solo. The excitement of firsts is unbeatable, and going through that shift from being in lust to being in love is priceless. 

They are picky 

Despite how it looks to the outside world, most women who date a lot a lot are pretty picky. They want to chase and be chased, but they are not willing to settle for just anyone. That makes them attractive to other guys, and despite their “reputation,” men find them irresistible. 

Most enjoy having a large group of friends 

If you enjoy exploring the dating pool, you know you will need a sound support system to gossip about your failed dates. Most women who like changing partners have a solid group of nonjudgmental friends eager to learn about the latest guy who stole their friend’s heart. 

Living in the moment 

Unlike women stuck in long-term relationships despite knowing they didn’t find the one, women who date a lot are more present. They value experiences and don’t dwell on the past. If they did, they would not be able to give new chances to new guys. 

Not all are “experienced” 

If you think that women who date numerous men are all “easy” or “experienced,” you are wrong. Many have specific rules regarding intimacy, and they take time to enjoy every date before taking things to another level. That’s also because they love being someone’s girlfriend, and to get to that title, you have to know how to get a guy to take you seriously. 

They know men 

If a woman has had many boyfriends, she likely learned what men want from their partners. Some things in life cannot be taught through books but through experiences, and this is why it is essential to listen to what women who are serial daters have to say. 

It’s all about the boundaries 

Sometimes, a relationship will move faster, but other times, it will go slower. Either way, a woman who likes dating will set up her boundaries while checking for potential red flags. It is much easier to recognize dealbreakers if you deal with a variety of people, so if she notices something’s off, she will likely identify it faster and move on. 

They know how to deal with heartbreak 

Women with multiple relationships are usually romantic and emotional, so breakups are never easy. However, with time and experience, they know how to heal broken hearts in healthy and meaningful ways. Some will enjoy their alone time, while others will flirt but avoid getting involved until they are ready. 

They tend not to care what others say 

Despite not carrying The Scarlet A, women who enjoy dating numerous guys do not care what people around them think. Most tried explaining themselves at some point, but since that brought them nothing, they moved on and decided to enjoy life instead. It is a great way to destigmatize the outdated idea that only men can be womanizers or bachelors for life. 

Most are looking for the partner of their dreams 

Despite dating around, most women who had a number of great loves are still waiting for their dream man. It sounds like a paradox, but they do not want to be trapped in relationships that don’t bring them joy. That’s why they feel empowered to know how to handle men, though they will surrender only to the right one. 

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