
15 Effective Ways To Ruin Your Own Life Without Realizing It

Some small yet enormously significant everyday decisions can negatively influence our lives. But it takes time and repetitive efforts to ruin your life, and the saddest part is that you will not even realize it until it’s too late. From not listening to your intuition to caring for opinions, here are 15 foolproof ways to destroy your life. 

Chasing the wrong person 

Spending time and energy chasing “the one” can lead to disastrous consequences. Many people believe they need to settle by a certain age, so they idealize their current partner and ignore all the reasons they are chasing the wrong person. Choosing a person that’s obviously not for you only because you do not want to be alone and you think it is time to get married is unhealthy and more painful than giving yourself time on your own. 

Comparing yourself to others 

We are all similar yet unique based on our upbringings, previous choices, and experiences. Comparing yourself to others is a waste of time that comes with a hefty price. You will ruin your self-esteem and get away from your authentic self while trying, essentially, to be more like someone else. 

Ignoring your health 

You might be too young to realize that your choices today could destroy your life in a decade or two. Smoking, not exercising, and eating fast food three times a day could be part of the whole college experience, but your body will start pushing back at some point. You could feel invincible, but you are merely a human being, and learning to take care of your health should be your priority every day for the rest of your life. 

Living with unresolved trauma

You cannot erase the past, but if you experienced something traumatic as a child or as an adult, the best thing you can do for your future is to deal with it. Otherwise, you risk ruining your relationships, friendships, and careers because you never know what could trigger the feelings of trauma and what your reaction will look like. 

Trying to be perfect

Striving for perfection is exhausting mostly because everything in the world is flawed. You cannot achieve it, but you can drain yourself and lose touch with what truly matters. Instead, opt out of being the best version of yourself and for yourself most of the time. 

Allowing fear to control you 

Fear is one of the most powerful emotions, and it can paralyze your life. Many people are so scared of failing that they don’t even try. Life is full of failures, but the biggest one is allowing fear to stop you from getting what you desire. 


Overthinking can create an endless cycle of stress and anxiety, which can ultimately make one feel less motivated and confident. It is a silver bullet to your mental health, and though it is not easy to snap out of it, you will want to try out techniques before overthinking ruins your life. 

Investing time in the wrong people

A small circle of dedicated friends is priceless. But, many of us are guilty of neglecting them because others seem more interesting or exciting. There is nothing wrong with expanding your friend circle, but make sure these new people are open and honest before dedicating your time and efforts to turn them into confidants. 

Being jealous 

When you hear “jealousy,” you’ll likely think of romantic relationships. However, people tend to be jealous of other people’s successes, achievements, and even possessions. Jealousy can turn you into a bitter, hateful person, and you will get nothing to move you forward if you spend your time drowning in it. 

Always being right

Sometimes, it is better to let go and move on, even if you are right. You don’t have to know everything, and you don’t have to be right all the time. Acting superior will not bring you joy, new experiences, or new friends and lovers. 

Not allowing yourself to be vulnerable 

Many people are guilty of mistaking vulnerability for weakness. But how can you experience true love if you don’t allow yourself to be open to someone? There is power in vulnerability, and even if you get hurt, at least you’ll know you tried. At least you won’t live with regrets. 

Caring for other people’s opinions 

If you’re stuck thinking about what others think, you will never live the life you want. Instead, you will get stuck trying to please everyone except yourself and those who genuinely care for you. Remember that no one cares because most are busy trying to please others. 

Not listening to your intuition 

Not listening to that gut feeling could make you regretful because you ignored the part of yourself that knew better. It will also prevent you from going after what you want and doing what will make you truly happy. Sometimes, your intuition might be off, but at least you will know that you did what you believed was the best. 

Living in the past 

If you’re stuck in the past, you should talk to someone because that’s not healthy behavior. You are not present, and you can’t honestly acknowledge the power of the moment. Maybe you are trying to protect yourself, but if you believe there’s something better in the past and indulging in reminiscence will be helpful, you are wrong. Snap out of it before it consumes you. 

Always blaming others

Blaming others is nothing more than blame avoidance. You project and create scenarios because you do not want to admit your mistakes. You are building resentment, anger, and hatred instead of letting go and planning how to improve your future. While some things that happened to you were not your fault, as an adult, you have to accept responsibilities or ruin your life. 

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