
20 Overused Millennial Phrases That Seriously Need to Go

Language keeps evolving, and some phrases really capture the moment until they’re played out. Millennials have coined a bunch of them, but now, those same phrases have lost their spark and turned into tired clichés.This list of 20 phrases shows how too much of a good thing can make words feel stale.


Used to describe anything from harmful relationships to unpleasant work environments. Its overuse has somewhat lessened the impact of genuinely toxic situations.

“It’s just the way things are”

This line is like throwing your hands up in the air, accepting whatever’s happening without pushing back or looking for a fix. It kinda sounds like giving up before the fight’s even started.

“Sorry, Not Sorry”

This one’s used to fake an apology while clearly showing you’re anything but remorseful. It’s got a bit of sass and can make the idea of saying sorry seem a bit of a joke.

“Vibe Check”

A way to assess someone’s emotional state or the general atmosphere of a situation. It started as a genuine check-in but has become more of a casual greeting.

“I Can’t Even”

” This snippet is all about being so caught up in feelings—be it awe, annoyance, or joy—that you’re basically indicates a total shutdown in the face of strong feelings. Yet, its overuse has made it a generic response to even minor hiccups.

“This Is Everything”

Used to show extreme satisfaction or to highlight something that perfectly captures a moment or trend. Though meant to express enthusiasm, it’s so overused it often feels flat.


We slap “goals” on anything aspirational, but maybe it’s time to question if we’re setting our sights on what truly matters or just following the crowd.

“Doing the whole grown-up thing” 

It’s a lighthearted take on grappling with the day-to-day grind of adult responsibilities, from bill-paying to job-hunting. It’s meant to be funny, but can come off as a bit dismissive of real adulting challenges.


Originally a fun, exaggerated yes, “yas” is now so common it’s lost a bit of its sparkle. It’s like, can we find a new way to say we’re into something?


Used to praise top-notch effort, “slay” is now so common it’s losing its edge. It’s cool and all, but maybe it’s time to find a new cheer.


Once a word for the honest truth, “literally” has morphed into the go-to exaggeration.  It’s tricky figuring out if we’re talking facts or just being extra.


Originally a term for an overzealous or obsessive fan, it’s become a mainstream way of expressing strong support for someone or something, sometimes to the point of uncritical fandom.

“I’m Dead” / “Dying”

These phrases crank up the drama to say we’re laughing hard or shocked. While meant to be funny, they often come off more as trying too hard.

“No Worries”

We throw out “no worries” to keep things breezy, even when maybe we should be a bit more tuned in to what’s actually bothering us or others.

“I Can’t Adult Today”

This phrase is a quirky way of dodging grown-up duties, but it’s kinda starting to sound like we’re always looking for an out.


“FOMO”, or “Fear Of Missing Out,” taps into that worry you’re missing out on the fun, but it’s kind of lost its punch with everyone throwing it around for just about anything.


Describing someone or something as overly dramatic or excessive, “extra” has moved from a fun descriptor to a clichéd critique of any display of enthusiasm or effort.

“Living My Best Life”

This one sounds like all sunshine and rainbows, but let’s be real, it’s often a glossy cover for the same old routine.


Disappearing without explanation, leaving messages unread or unanswered. It’s become a digital age breakup method but often leaves more questions than closure.


Used to describe desperate seeking for attention, especially on social media, it’s a humorous jab that can sometimes be harsh or judgmental.

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