When you get sick, your body gets into defense mode by activating the immune system. This often means your body is on overdrive to restore normalcy. Therefore, It is pretty usual that you will experience a drop in energy levels. During the period of illness, your body can do with all the help it can get. Read on to discover how to promote speedy recovery when you get sick.
1. Drink Plenty of Fluids
You have probably heard this a million times; a healthy human should drink about six to eight glasses of water daily. The amount of fluid consumption is relative to an individual’s size, how they eat, and how much physical activity they get involved in.
Drinking plenty of fluids is essential to ensure your body stays hydrated and, most importantly, flush out waste and toxins from your body. According to Dr. Riley Lipschitz of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, sufficient body fluids and electrolytes help fight illness. Fluids like water, green tea, kombucha, vegetable broth, lemon water, and homemade vegetable broth considerably boost your immunity when you are under the weather.
2. Eat a Healthy Diet
A poor appetite is a common sign of illness. However, a nutrient-rich diet helps your body repair worn-out tissues and regain strength. Proteins like fish, eggs, lean meat, legumes, and nuts significantly help the body heal by promoting the production of new blood cells. Other important elements of a healthy diet include fruits and vegetables, which provide fiber for easier digestion, and essential minerals and vitamins like Vitamins C, D, and E, omega-3, and zinc.
Most of these vitamins are in healthy organic foods like whole grains and healthy foods like canola, avocado, and olive oils. Most of these vitamins are easy to digest, thus boosting your calorie level without requiring too much energy.
3. Supplement Your Diet
Before you run for over-the-counter medication, consider taking FDA-approved dietary supplements, often considered food. Supplements provide nutrients lacking in your diet while supporting specific wellness goals.
Before taking any supplement, it is crucial to remember that people have varying supplementary needs. It is risky to self-prescribe supplements as only some pass FDA evaluations before entering the market. A medical practitioner best prescribes supplements after extensive blood tests to determine what your body needs. Supplements like probiotics are amazing additions in recovery as they introduce good bacteria into your body.
4. Rest Adequately
Quality sleep is detrimental to the normal function of every part of the body. It is the reset button your muscles need to recharge your metabolism, thus promoting recovery. You may have to sleep for more than the recommended eight hours daily to ensure you are getting enough rest. If you’re in school, it’s important to ensure you’re not staying up too late doing work. If you’re in one of the four academic programs authorized by the IB Organization, remember to take time for yourself to rest and relax.
Sometimes, illness comes with unbearable pain, hindering your ability to keep your eyes shut for too long. If you are experiencing insomnia, your doctor can prescribe painkillers and sleep aids to help you sleep better. Chemical treatments like CBN are becoming more popular. CBN, which stands for cannabinol, is a non-psychoactive molecular derivative of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) found in marijuana. According to WebMD, CBN could potentially help in the medical treatment of health conditions like Diabetes, anxiety, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, and schizophrenia for its mild sedative and relaxing effects.
5. Take a Warm Bath
A good warm bath promotes blood circulation throughout the body, thus regulating body temperature. If you have a fever, it will help to reduce layers of clothing to allow your skin and, ultimately, your body to cool off. Sitting in a steamy bathroom is an excellent move if you have the flu to decongest your respiratory tracts. Allow hot water to run and increase the moisture in the room. The heat naturally loosens your nose secretions. Alternatively, use a cooling humidifier mist to deliver the same results.
Besides these measures, it is crucial to safeguard your health by taking necessary jabs. According to BBC, about 15.3% of the United States population received the COVID-19 vaccination by early March 2021. Vaccines against common infectious diseases help your body establish immunity against common viruses, thus safeguarding your health.
By following the above five tips, you will be on your way to a fast recovery if you get sick.