My Dream Destination Spots

Weekend Trip:

  • New Orleans
  • Seattle
  • Boston
  • Great Lakes
  • Niagra Falls
  • Denver


  • Miami
  • New York City
  • San Fransisco
  • Ocracoke Island
  • Mexico
  • Greece
  • Italy
  • Paris
  • Canada (not sure where?)
  • Fiji
  • St. Tropez
  • The Caribbean
  • Japan
  • Hawaii

Lloyd and I normally take a week long vacation every year.  I’m sure we’ll go somewhere next year as well, but today we were talking about saving some extra dough and going on 2 additional weekend trips to places we’ve never been.  That would make 3 vacations next year!  Yay!

I’m ashamed to admit that I never really thought much of Canada until I started blogging.  There are SO many Canadian bloggers!  You all have intrigued me and now I really wanna visit!  Canadians: where should I go, eh?  (Aw, my first “eh”.)

I’m a beach girl.  I’m one of those people that hates wasting vacation on places other than beaches….but I really wanna see places like NYC and Boston, so I guess I better suck it up for those places.

Where have I been?

  • Texas (everywhere – my family is all over that state)
  • Chicago
  • Los Angeles/San Diego
  • Washington, D.C. (where every American should go at least once)
  • Las Vegas
  • Raleigh/Wilmington, North Carolina
  • Orlando/Cocoa Beach, Florida
  • Yellowstone Park, Wyoming
  • Madrid/Valencia, Spain (studied abroad)
  • Ibiza, Spain (Wow)
  • random places all over Kansas & Missouri

What are your dream vacations?  Where are places that you’ve been that you thought were amazing?


  • If you want to go to Canada, come to Vancouver! Mildest climates, great beaches, and super friendly laid back west coast feel. We can hang out and I’ll show you around! 🙂

  • I studied abroad in the UK and pretty much fell in love with all of it. I think you should probably go to London at least once in your life.

  • Canada is great. I would also recommend checking out Vancouver/BC in general. I hear it’s beautiful out there.

    I wouldn’t pass up on Toronto either, for the culture here, and the many cultures represented! After that you should head up to the Muskokas. That’s where we all head in the summer for nature and the beach at our cottages 🙂 TONS of celebrities have cottages up there–it’s wild!

    If you really want to visit a different place–check out Quebec and Montreal for the French-Canadian experience! Old Quebec City is so charming.

    Really, there are loads of awesome places in Canada. Sometimes I get caught up in my international travels and forget how great my country really is!

  • I am SO the opposite of you! I hate beach vacations, I think it’s a waste of a vaca to go to a beach. Maybe because I grew up right near a beach so to me it’s nothing special. But I love traveling, and your list sounds great. My sister lives in Miami and LOVES it. If you end up going, email me and I’ll give you some recommendations about where to hang out.

    BTW, Chicago is on the top of my list of places check out in the U.S. Also, San Francisco and Seattle.

  • Toronto is amazing. BF and I went there two years ago and loved it. Bonus–he has family there! Friendliest people I’ve ever encountered in any large city, too.

    You’ve already been to a lot of my favorite places, and my wish list is similar to yours–Seattle, Portland, SF, New Mexico, New England, Greece, Italy, Germany…the list does go on!!

    Also, TeachHer is right–don’t miss Chicago, either. Also, consider my hometown–Memphis! 🙂

  • If you come to BC please visit the island. Tofino (long beach) is the place to be. Its beautiful on the island. So much to see. Vancouver Island baby! Born and raised

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