If you’re trying to change your financial situation, then you should be spending some time with financial experts to learn more about improving your finances and wealth. But life is busy and there isn’t always time to read their books. So why not try a few podcasts? You can listen in the car, during your workout, or while cooking dinner. It’s easy to multitask and learn something important while doing something else.
Here are a few great podcasts to check out.
The Dave Ramsey Show
Dave Ramsey is one of the top financial experts you’ll want to follow. Starting from nothing, he managed to accumulate a net worth of over a million dollars by the time he was 26 and he was making over $250,000 a year. However, he had $4 million in real estate and a lot of debt, mostly short-term debt. And this debt caused him to lose everything. After losing it all, he went on a search to find out how money really works. He interviewed a lot of rich people, people who were able to hold on to their money. He learned how to successfully manage his money, get out of debt, and create actual wealth. Then, in 1992, he started a radio show answering life’s difficult money questions. Word spread quickly and that show became nationwide and appeared on over 586 stations. Now Dave offers a podcast of this same smart advice so that you can catch up with your favorite episodes or listen to specific advice any time you want.
Stacking Benjamins
Named a top podcast by Kiplinger Magazine for 2016, Stacking Benjamins is full of great advice. You’ll love the laid-back style coupled with easy-to-follow financial advice on topics like “Learn how to (legally) cheat on your taxes” and “Learn how to save half your income.” You can listen anytime and even call-in with your own questions by leaving a voicemail. The commentators will respond to your questions during the podcast. And every Thursday at 12 PM Eastern they offer a free online webinar on a different topic.
The Scott Alan Turner Show
Scott Alan Turner is a self-proclaimed “former money moron” who’s made many money mistakes but learned how to manage his money by accident and is now an early retiree. He’ll tell you that he went from living paycheck-to-paycheck, not knowing exactly where his money went and only paying the interest on his credit cards every month. He followed this mess up with buying a new car with an $800 monthly car payment he couldn’t afford and losing $40,000 in the stock market after following bad investing advice. At his lowest, he stared learning about debt, saving and investing. He figured out how to cut $1000 from his expenses and took control of his financial future. In his podcast, he shares his advice about how he improved his situation and you can too.
Afford Anything
After graduating from college and earning just $21,000 a year from her new job, Paula Pant wanted more than to spend the next 40 years of her life working in a cubicle. She wanted to see the world and experience freedom and independence from someone else’s rules and structure of her life. And she’s been very successful at it. Now she’s teaching others how to take control of their money and make wise investments to be able to live off of those investments and enjoy more freedom.
With all of this great content out there to listen to at your leisure, what’s stopping you from checking out these fantastic podcasts today?